Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Summer Highlights

Fishing with Friends!

Picking veggies!

Daddy trying out the Slippin' Slide!

Fun Summer DAys Jumping with my brothers and sister!

More Smores Please!

Breakfast with Minnie and Other Characters at Disneyland!

1 comment:

CK said...

Kelsey! I love seeing you having all these adventures with your friends and family! You are growing up and looks like you are having a great time.

I think of you ALL the time and love you!

Aunt Coyote

P.S. I helped grow a garden this summer too! I didn't catch any fish however or have a date with Minnie, but I did water-slide with Bevan's brother and niece and nephew, that's always fun! Hope to see you really soon. Hugs.